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Myth of Empires is fighting a legal battle to re-instate itself

28 Dec 2021 14:21 #96 by rodeoneerer
Earlier this month, the sandbox strategy game Myth of Empires was removed from Steam following a DMCA takedown request filed by Studio Wildcard and Snail Games, the developer and publisher of Ark: Survival Evolved. They claimed that the source code for Myth of Empires was actually based on the source for Ark, which a former Snail Games employee had stolen before leaving to found his own studio.

Angela Games, the developers of Myth of Empires, push back. They deny these claims entirely, calling them misleading and incomplete. Angela games says that the allegations have done massive damage to the game and their company, and demands that things change.

Yang was not alone in this endeavor, according to the suit: "Of the 82 persons whose names appear in the screen credits for Angela's game, 60 are Snail Game ex-employees." The filing also claims that, since the DMCA takedown request was made, Angela Game has been "frantically modifying the code" of Myth of Empires to remove evidence of copying.

Snail's response also includes declarations from Studio Wildcard cofounder Jeremy Stieglitz, Snail Games USA CEO Jim Shun Tsai, and BattlEye CEO Bastian Suter, further detailing the process by which Snail Games and Studio Wildcard became aware of, and then analyzed, the similarities between the games. Stieglitz described the initial similarities between Myth of Empire's executable, acquired via Steam, and that of Ark: Survival Evolved as "shocking," and said that since its initial analysis, "We have found hundreds more such reflected header matches. Every day we spend analyzing MoE's 'table of contents,' we find more such matches."

It’s always possible that these similarities are coincidental. Given that a few employees of Angela Games worked on Ark, they could just have similar ways of sorting/using information. But the details are as numerous as they are damning, and demand a strong retort in order to be dismissed.

For now, Myth of Empires remains off of Steam, but development is continuing: Angela Game said on December 21 that it's preparing to launch an "auto-ban program" that will hopefully help reduce cheating in the game. The studio has also been struggling with "hacking attacks" on the game, and is now working on tracking down the source of the hacks., a player-to-player trading site, is the perfect place for you to buy MOE Copper Coins . Unlike other sites that outright sell in-game items, accounts, and currency, we provide players a place where they can buy and sell these things. Since its players and not hustlers who do the trading, you can safely get cheap Myth of Empires Copper Coins Steam/PC at .

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